Ohmygosh, you guys are awesome. We finished at 620% of our funding goal, and you are, as I said, awesome.
Now the work
begins continues!
Pledges are being processed. If yours already completed successfully, you should have received an email to that effect. If your pledge did not process -- perhaps your credit card was near an expiration date, or there was a typo, or a sunspot, or something -- you can sign in to your BackerKit account and fix it.
It typically takes a couple of weeks for pledges to complete. Once all pledges are processed, I will send backer surveys. These are very important! so please watch your email for them. They should come in late October (and I'll update here again when they go out). These surveys confirm your desired rewards, let you make any adjustments or additions, and confirm shipping information and payment.
(Don't worry -- I'll do one more shipping confirmation before actual delivery, in case of a move or other necessary update.)
As I said during the campaign, delivery will come next year, and I'll update here as we progress.
In the meantime: If you haven't read "A Midwinter Theft" to meet Lisveth and Galen, you can pick up the free ebook
here or get it in audio on the
Finding Fantasy Reads podcast.
Thank you again, and I'll be back with updates as we go!